Sorry I just have to laugh at the idea that desert is a great place to look for work. The job I have is so much better, My coworkers are actually nerdy. Not a turn off to all, but given the places I did work, you wouldn't expect it. Seriously the drug use is pretty Rampant in Denver too. But after that you aren't going to like what you can get.

Sure some will get offers at Pivotal or Workday. In Denver you will get mostly Banks, and dinos like Comast / Aol. Those are all Boulder offices anyways, not Denver. But the Jobs you want, aren't hiring mobile devs because their offices are start up size. I found myself with brogrammers that had 0 engineering style hobbies or being asked to work 60 hours every week. Yes you can find work, but the company culture are terrible.

Now an Austin Dev (I'm a senior / lead android dev) I can safely say that the job market in Denver is terrible.